Beauty, London, Salon

Free file and polish at LCBT!

April 30, 2010 by

London College of Beauty Therapy are getting ready with their polish brushes poised to set a new Guinness World Record for the highest number of file and polishes in just 8 hours on 13 May…and they need your help.

To crack the current record, LCBT need over 2000 volunteers to offer up their hands for a free file and polish or file and buff, performed by a student from the college.

Open to both women and men, LCBT are staging the event in support of the charity, Wellbeing of Women, which funds medical research into all women’s health issues.

I’ve been to London College of Beauty Therapy (just along from Liberty) a few times for facials and it has a prim and lovely ‘old school’ beauty academy atmosphere with crystal chandeliers, private treatments areas in the large therapy room and a front room nail parlour overlooking Great Marlborough Street.

The students have always been very sweet and competent and there will be an official Guinness World Records adjudicator to make sure the manicures are complete and done properly…what more can you ask for?

The event takes place at the college on Thursday 13 May from 11am to 7pm and you can book a free appointment by emailing:  Donations to Wellbeing of Women are welcome on the day.

London College of Beauty Therapy, 47 Great Marlborough Street, London, W1.

1 comment

1 Comment

  • Reply Orlaine Worrell May 13, 2010 at 10:41 am

    Think this is great , hope you get you record and more. I will be there.

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